Saturday 24 November 2012

Sorakaya/Bottle gourd-Curry


Bottle gourd 1 (Medium size)
Onions 2 (Big size)
Mirchi/Red Chillies 2 (Big size)


Oil 4 tspns for Talimpu/Seasoning
Garlic / Vellullipayalu - 4 medium size slices
Mustard seeds -1 tspn
Jeera - 1 tspn
Curry leaves 10-12
Senagapappu / Bengal gram dal - 3/4 tspn
Minapappu / black gram - 1/2 tspn
Turmeric powder 1/2 tspn
Coriander leaves 6 stems
Salt to taste


1) Cut the Bottle gaurd/sorakaya to small pieces (an inch size) and chop the onions. Cut chillies vertically to small pieces.

2) In a sauting pan add 4 teaspoons of oil. Add crushed garlic slices, mustart seeds, jeera,curry leaves, let the mixture heat for 2 minutes.

3) Add choped oninos and chillies to the mixture and fry it till onions turn to light brown color.

4) Add Turmeric and mix it well.

5) Close the lid and heat it for 5 to 6 minutes

6) Onions became light brown and properly fried in pan.

7) Add Sorakaya Pieces / bottle gaurd pieces, close the lib and let it boil for 15 minutes. There is no need to add water to the curry since bottle gaurd produces water during boiling. If the bottle gaurd is some what dry, add some water.


8) I added half glass water to the mixture and boiled till the pieces becomes well boiled.

9) Add Ginger Garlic paste and mix it well.
10) When curry is well boiled, add chopped coriander leaves to curry and serve.
                            Yummy Sorakaya curry is ready to eat with Rice/ Roti..



Wednesday 14 November 2012

Andhra Rasam / Chaaru


Tomotoes 2 (Medium size)

Tamarind (Medium lemon size quantity)

Water 6 cups


Oil 4 tspns for Talimpu/Seasoning

Garlic / Vellullipayalu - 4 medium size slices

Mustard seeds -1 tspn

Jeera - 1 tspn

Red chillies -5

Curry leaves 10-12

Turmeric powder 1/2 tspn

Coriander leaves 6 stems

Salt to taste

Rasam Power - 1 tspn


1) Spice the tomotoes to small pieces. Take cooking vessel and add tomoto pieces,tamarind,turmeric with 2 cups of water (remaining water will be added afterwards). Boil it with medium flame for 10 minutes.

2) In a sauting pan add 4 teaspoons of oil. Add crushed garlic slices, mustart seeds, jeera,curry leaves and red chillies(make each chilli to 2 pieces). Let the mixture heat for 1 minute. Now add Rasam powder and let it heat for 1 more minute.

3) Tomoto boiled well. Now pour the juice in to the talimpu mixture.

4) Pour 4 cups of normal water in to the tomoto&tamarind mixture and crush with hand.

5) After mixing it well with hand, filter the plup (throw away the plup) and pour just the juice in the pan.

6) Add salt to taste and add chooped coriander leaves to the mixture.

7) Stir the mixture and heat it on medium flame for 15 minutes.

A spicy and tasty Andhra Rasam/Chaaru is ready to serve.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Hello Friends....

I am Sujatha Chittajallu and this is my first blog on cooking. I want to make this blog handy to my friends/receipe searchers for quick breakfasts and tasty food in special occasions. Hope you will enjoy this blog and let me know your feed back for any comments and suggestions....